Golden Weevil 16/03/12

Morning Weevils,

Today the golden Weevil is Inside the Shopping Mall.


About AmyAwesome

I won Scribbles mag and the bigweevil comp for the best pic of him on binweevils. I used to be called footy99 but i got bored of that so i'm now AmyAwesome :D
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1 Response to Golden Weevil 16/03/12

  1. pigster111 says:

    Why not try this glitch?
    Go up the pipe to the second floor in the shopping mall. Click on the ‘Floors and Walls Shop’ but as soon as you get to the door, click on the trampoline on the bottom floor. Your weevil should still go into the shop. Wait for the items in the shop to load and then exit the shop. When you get out, click on the golden weevil!

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